Toilet leaks: How to pinpoint them

Toilet Leaks

At Harco Plumbing & Mechanical in Guelph, we take great pride in alleviating your plumbing issues. However, we can’t help if you don’t realize there’s a problem.

As such, we offer the following tips to help you determine if your home has a plumbing dilemma, specifically your toilet (courtesy of the Region of Durham).

Inspect your water meter

If your meter measures water flow in cubic metres, it should have a small red diamond shaped dial. This dial is very delicate and will rotate once for every 1/58 gallon of water you use. If the dial moves and you’re not using any water, then you may have a plumbing issue.

It could be your toilet

A damaged toilet accounts for the majority of undetected plumbing problems in the home and can cause water and sanitary sewer bills to be extremely high (over $1,000). Toilet leaks usually occur at the overflow pipe or at the flapper valve inside the tank, so this is where you should look to see if you have a problem.

Overflow pipe

To inspect the overflow pipe for leaks, first take off the lid of the toilet tank. If the water level inside is too high, then water could be trickling down the overflow pipe. To stop this, make sure the water level is at least one centimetre below the top of the pipe.

Flapper valve

To test the flapper valve for leaks, put food colouring in the toilet tank and don’t flush. If the food colouring should appear in the toilet bowl after 15 minutes, then there is a leak somewhere in the tank. If there is no food colouring in the bowl, look inside the tank to make sure that it didn’t fully drain from the bowl and into the sewer system.

At Harco, we offer a wide range of reliable heating and plumbing services, including high pressure drain flushing, radiant floor heating, catch basin cleaning, and boiler installations.

Contact us today to learn more.

Harco Plumbing & Mechanical is located at 69 Fleming Road in Guelph. Call us at 519-265-6423, email us at, or visit us online at for more information. We also service Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, and Stratford (519-880-0105), as well as Woodstock and Innerkip (519-421-1827).

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